Common speaking topics:

  • Why Classical? Why the Good, the True, and the Beautiful are the perfect 21st century academic skills.

  • Classical education: academically rigorous, intellectually demanding, character forming, life changing…and simply, beautifully, doable.

  • Teaching Virtues – and still Getting It All Done.

  • Awareness of Time and Space: How to Get It All Done Without Losing Your Mind.

  • History: the spine of the classroom.

  • No Note Left Behind: Integrating the arts in every subject.

  • The Joys of Teaching Dyslexia.

  • Purposeful Nature Study.

  • Can you teach elementary school classically? Some Facts and a How-to.

  • Scholé: the theory vs the reality, and how true scholé increases student achievement.

  • An exploration: unschooling, scholé, restful learning and modern college expectations. What gives?

  • The beauty of science: how not to kill the love of the subject in your students.

  • The true purpose of science in a classical education.

  • How to survive mandates and standards with a classical toolbox ~ or: how to teach classically in spite of the madness.

  • Recitation and memory: Drill and Kill or The Best Thing Ever?

  • Is Classical Education Elite?  Why special needs and gifted students thrive alike.

  • Classical Education and Title I: a how-to.

  • Let’s be real. How do I:

    • Teach science classically beyond elementary school?

    • Teach the humanities classically and get it all done?

    • Teach writing classically?

    • Spark joy and wonder in my students?

    • Evaluate and assess?

    • Teach modern history and the arts?

  • Beauty: the overlooked branch of the Classical trinity.

  • Fostering character/virtues in daily lessons in a Catholic Classical school: an extra or the primary step? (With classroom practicalities.)

  • Atmosphere, discipline, and life: educating the whole person the Charlotte Mason Way.

  • Multum non multas, does deep vs broad work today? Why?

Contact Peach Smith with your needs, and she can develop a talk, workshop or PD customized to your specific situation.