Common speaking topics:
Why Classical? Why the Good, the True, and the Beautiful are the perfect 21st century academic skills.
Classical education: academically rigorous, intellectually demanding, character forming, life changing…and simply, beautifully, doable.
Teaching Virtues – and still Getting It All Done.
Awareness of Time and Space: How to Get It All Done Without Losing Your Mind.
History: the spine of the classroom.
No Note Left Behind: Integrating the arts in every subject.
The Joys of Teaching Dyslexia.
Purposeful Nature Study.
Can you teach elementary school classically? Some Facts and a How-to.
Scholé: the theory vs the reality, and how true scholé increases student achievement.
An exploration: unschooling, scholé, restful learning and modern college expectations. What gives?
The beauty of science: how not to kill the love of the subject in your students.
The true purpose of science in a classical education.
How to survive mandates and standards with a classical toolbox ~ or: how to teach classically in spite of the madness.
Recitation and memory: Drill and Kill or The Best Thing Ever?
Is Classical Education Elite? Why special needs and gifted students thrive alike.
Classical Education and Title I: a how-to.
Let’s be real. How do I:
Teach science classically beyond elementary school?
Teach the humanities classically and get it all done?
Teach writing classically?
Spark joy and wonder in my students?
Evaluate and assess?
Teach modern history and the arts?
Beauty: the overlooked branch of the Classical trinity.
Fostering character/virtues in daily lessons in a Catholic Classical school: an extra or the primary step? (With classroom practicalities.)
Atmosphere, discipline, and life: educating the whole person the Charlotte Mason Way.
Multum non multas, does deep vs broad work today? Why?
Contact Peach Smith with your needs, and she can develop a talk, workshop or PD customized to your specific situation.